Birthday Celebrations

A birthday is one day or the anniversary of the month and day a person was born. Birthdays are celebrated in many cultures, often with the birthday gifts, birthday celebration. While the major religions celebrate the birth of their founder, like Christmas.
The majority of children in the United States celebrate his/her birthday celebration with a cake with candles. Most families use candles at the age of a person to represent age. If the cake is set before the guest of honor, he/she must do wish without saying anything to anybody what it is. After a wish, he/she tries to blow the candles. When all candles with one breath, it is assumed that the wish will come true!
Birthdays are celebrated more for children than for adults, if not a milestone birthday like 21, 30, 40 or 50. Also give birthday invitations to friends and relatives for the birthday celebration games.
In the birthday celebration after dinner, children play a game in hand. This is an adult holding bone or a stone in one hand and the children try to guess where it is placed.